Baby Green Boi + MarchxApril Shop Release Update

Spring 2021 has been a whirlwind of sewing and packaging orders! We did squeeze in a quick weekend camping trip to Charlottesville, VA which gave me a great mood and energy boost, so I'm really grateful for that. I'm short on time (as usual LOL) and need to jump back into sewing orders right now, so I'm getting right to it:

Baby Green Boi Preorders

I emailed Baby Green Boi Preorder invoices #62 - #72 today (Fri, May 7th), so we're getting really close to the preorder forms finish line! Once I make it through all forms, I'll be reopening the Google Form to preorder bby green bois. I'll post the link on my blog, IG and FB pages.

For anyone who missed it, for 2021 I moved to a Google Form preorder format for the Baby Green Bois, instead of having them in monthly shop releases. I capped the form at 100 entries (though a few slipped through before I closed it, so I have a total of 111 forms). This enabled me to accept more interested customers while still making it physically possible for me to sew the dolls. I'm going through forms in chronological order and emailing out invoices, usually in batches of ten at a time. Once the invoice is paid, I make the doll within a 10-15 day turnaround.

Here is the pricing information for the next Baby Green Boi Preorder Google Forms Opening:

Firstly, All CURRENT green boi forms will have the listed $26.99+shipping pricing honored.

However, due to an increase of supplies costs and USPS shipping costs, for the next Google Form opening I have to raise my prices.

I have already had some really nasty comments online about my doll prices, but I do make each doll by hand and put my heart into every single item. These are NOT mass manufactured... I absolutely understand this is a "luxury item" not for everyone. If it isn't for you please move along, because I do take cruel comments personally since everything about my craft is personal to me. 

Baby Green Boi Handmade Miniature Doll: $35 USD

US Shipping: $3 USD (or free if ordering more than one doll)
International Shipping: $14 USD

None if this is a quick process since I'm only one person. So I'm continually thanking everyone and extremely grateful for everyone's patience while I sew and package orders.

My days are filled with Shop Release orders, Baby Green Boi preorders, trying to keep up with my social media presence, taking product photos and creating listings for my online shop, and every few weeks trying to bring new stock to three local brick&mortar shops- Kawaii Kafe (located on second floor of Virginia Beach Antique Mall), Quixotic Arts (Norfolk, VA), and Kitsch (Norfolk, VA). Busy busy! And I love it :D  

2021 MarchxApril Shop Release

I'm excited to say that I'm getting close to the finish line for all Shop Release orders!! I have every confidence in myself that I'll be able to complete 100% by next week. I'm also really proud and shocked with myself that I'll be able to complete over 100 HANDMADE orders from the end of March to mid-May.. That seems really impossible for one person to do, but here we are LOL. I also still plan to have my next shop release at the end of May, and I'm really excited about that one, too :)  

As stated on my homepage and on the individual listings:

"The MarchxApril Shop Release went Live on Friday, March 26th, at 6:00pm(EST). Please keep in mind everything is handmade upon order. Items will be made and shipped in chronological order throughout April and May. You will receive an email notification upon shipment. PLEASE NOTE: Shop Releases take me months to complete; I am only one person sewing and packaging orders. Thank you so much for your patience as I complete your order and for understanding that hand-crafted work is not a speedy process."


Shop Updates Thursday July 1st


Baby Green Boi Pre-Order Update #1