One Hop At A Time!

We've reached 63% funding!! Baby Ribbit and I appreciate every single one of you who have backed this project and/or shared it! Every hop forward counts toward helping Baby Ribbit plushies exist ❤

I'm so excited to share with you my hang tag mockups. I thought a lily pad shape would be so cute, especially since it also looks like a heart. Each Baby Ribbit plushie will have this double-sided hang tag and a sewn in fabric tag as well. I think this will make our froggy friends look very professional!

Please continue to share this project with any frog lovers in your life Every share on your social media or even texting to friends and family helps us so much to get the word out! Kickstarters are "all or nothing," so if we don't reach 100% funding then Baby Ribbit plushies won't exist and no one will be charged for their pledge. We have 24 days to go so I'm hopeful that Baby Ribbit will make it!

You can also see what the Shliiverse is up to on my Instagram, (@shliikawaii) 


~ Jackie 




The final mothTier


2021 May Shop Release