Shop Updates

From March 28th to May 15th, I sewed 120 dolls for the MarchxApril Shop Release! That's kind of crazy!! I will admit there were many 12 hour work days and 7 day work weeks. I know that's not the best thing for my health, so I'm going to be smarter with future shop releases and not overload myself like that. But yes- this does mean I completed 100% of the shop release!! I have a HUGE bag of packages I'll be taking to the post office first thing Monday morning (while also hunting for gas for my car lolll) 

I'm still right on schedule for the May Shop Release :3 So I'm also really excited about that! I'm planning for Friday, May 28th at 6pm(EST). There will definitely be a theme going for this one :) 

Baby Green Boi Preorder Updates

Sunday, May 16th 9am: I just emailed invoices #73 thru #81. I also included a link to the Baby Green Boi listing so you can view the description and photos. As mentioned in my previous blog post, I won't be raising my prices until I reopen the preorder form link for the next batch of dolls, so current invoices will still honor the previous form prices. 

There have been a quite a number of instances of the Baby Green Boi invoice being sent to Spam folders, so be sure to check just in case ;) 


Shop Updates Thursday July 1st


Baby Green Boi Pre-Order Update #1