All the Things!
Firstly, here are some of my Nekocon artist alley highlights:
- Getting our badges and setting up in artist alley was SO amazingly easy thanks to the great Nekocon staff!
- The new floor layout for artist alley was pure Magic! I loved the space around the table that we all had. The blocks of artists were enormous, but I'm okay with it! None of us had to have our stock and/or supplies on top of each other. So. Much. Room.
- "My friends were talking about your plush on the way here! This is the first place we've been!" "I seriously thought this was mass-produced in like, a factory or something. I had no idea it was handmade!" Hearing compliments like this is amazing!!! I always have to hold in all my emotions, because my heart is totally bursting with happiness when I hear stuff like this! And so many people said so many sweet things to me like this at Nekocon!!
- People saying they had recognized my work from Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, etc. That is extremely cool.
- All the squeeing at my booth- especially when people saw the Merdogs :)
- So many people congratulating me on the Merpug Kickstarter!
- Running out of energy on Saturday (artist alley hours were 12 hours long on Saturday) and my husband showed up with sushi. omg.
- Driving home after that 12 hour day and stopping at Steak n Shake. duuude.
- Having friends stop by and hang out at the booth! It was really fun :)
New Things!
I've been adding a ton of awesome new items to my shop. I'm also running my Etsy shop again, so if you have a preference between here and Etsy they're now both available :) I am extremely excited to have new Norfolk Merdog items available, including the star of the show: Merpug!!! I would have never imagined a year ago that this perfect little Merpug would be in my shop! Many, many thanks to Shinedown Productions and all the Kickstarter backers who made this a reality!!Here are some of the new items available:All of the plush above are ready to ship. Once these ones sell out, I'm not sure when I'll have time to make more of them (so if you're wanting to buy one as a holiday gift, I definitely recommend not waiting too long!) I'm also going to be working on StarMew this week and Yeticorn next week to add to the shop.Shlii Shop: Shop:
Merpug Kickstarter Backer Rewards
All Project Updates: Tiers I've completed and mailed out:
- Doggy Paddle
- Bubbles
- Sunken Treasure
- Mermaid Purse
- Double Trouble (6 left to mail, already packaged and mailing tomorrow)
I'm individually messaging each person through Kickstarter with your tracking number (when available). I am currently packaging rewards from the "Huge Splash" tier. I'm packaging ten a day and working as fast as possible to get all these Merpugs out to everyone! :) Thank you for your patience!