2015 End of the Year Review
I recently purchased Lisa Jacobs' "Your Best Year 2016," which is a business planner and workbook to help me keep better organized (I'm terrible at being organized!!!) The first part is a review of the past year, so I wanted to share some of my review notes. Some of it does get pretty personal, but ya know...I'm a human person running my own business so I think that's okay :)
What Are Your Favorite Memories of 2015?
- Having one of my designs professionally manufactured, running my very first Kickstarter, and reaching my funding goal for Merpug! I received so much amazing support from family and friends, and it's something I'll never forget. Lately, I've gotten so many sweet pictures of people from around the world with their Merpugs :)
- Having my absolute best show I've ever had!! It was at Tidewater Comicon. It was also my very first time having two tables (a corner booth) at a convention!
- Making so many sales through my very own website! Of course it's extremely cool to receive sales through marketplace sites such as Etsy, but there is something extra special when people purchase your products through your own website :)
- Getting my very first embroidery machine and updating all of my plush designs to how I always wanted them to be! I no longer have to hold back with my designs like I did before!
What Felt Successful About 2015?
- Gaining an even more solid fanbase who are excited and enthusiastic about my work means so much to me!! I am so grateful for all of the support I receive from everyone through my social media pages. It is absolutely amazing!!
- In addition to collaborating with the talented The Jelly Empire on their Jellybots, I got to work with The Jenn Bot for the first time on their Lovesick design! The Jelly Empire took the Jellybot dolls to New York Comic Con and the Lovesick dolls were available at Designer Con.
Did You Overcome Any Obstacles?
Mostly emotional obstacles. Both my Oma and Opa died in 2014 and my Aunt Helga died in 2013. I am still really struggling with all of this and had to get through some extremely dark days.
What Did You Learn About Yourself?
- I'm a workaholic. I need to get better disciplined at not working so much.
- I'm determined, stubborn, and stronger than I realize.
- I'm no longer letting my fears, depression, and/or anxiety hold me back.
Thank you all so much for an amazing year!! This was the absolute best year I've ever had with my business, and it is all thanks to you!!