Introducing Roly Poly Leaf Bunny!

This afternoon, I finished the Leaf Bunny prototype so that I can add them to my shop and make a few for Tidewater Comicon next month. I am so happy with how she turned out! Fortunately, I was able to snap a few pics before the sun went down:
Leaf Bunny is 9" long and 5" tall. She is handmade with faux fur, Minky, and fleece fabrics and weighted with beanie pellets. I will add a listing for Leaf Bunny to my shop in the next few weeks (^-^) If you would like to adopt one at Tidewater Comicon, I'll be in the Artist Alley at Booth A322. Here is the floor map:twcc-shliiTo achieve the perfect roly-poly shape, I used TeacupLion's Cat Roll sewing pattern for the base and slightly modified it to create Leaf Bunny's finished look.

Tidewater Comicon 2016


The Extremely Shy, Ridiculously Adorable Creebles