Mercorgi Stretch Goals

This is wishful thinking for down the road, but in the huge, extremely exciting event that we surpass full funding for Mercorgi, I've come up with some cool additional backer rewards called "Stretch Goals."mercorgi-plush-kickstarterIf Mercorgi reaches $6,700 they'll be able to be made into plush. The first Stretch Goal happens at $8,500. If we reach that goal, then all Backers who pledged $20 or more will receive an awesome Mercorgi enamel pin! So many people have an amazing pin collection, and I would love for Mercorgi to be able to be a part of that, too! :) I'll reveal the pin artwork as we get closer to the goal.stretch-goal-1The second Stretch Goal happens at $10,900. It's something I've always wanted to do and have gotten many requests about: a Norfolk Merdogs coloring book! The details are the same as the first goal- All Backers who pledged $20 or more will also receive the coloring book.stretch-goal-2 For the next few days I'll be working on the finishing touches of the Kickstarter and prepping for launch on Monday (August 1st) :) For more Mercorgi information and to sign up for an email notification about the launch, go to the Mercorgi Plush Kickstarter page.


Mercorgi Plush Kickstarter Has Launched!


Mercorgi Kickstarter Updates