Baby Green Boi Update #7

Happy Saturday! On May 27th I took a large batch of green boi preorders to the post office :) Today, I emailed invoice numbers 82 thru 91, so please keep an eye out! I think some invoices may be getting lost in Spam inboxes. 

Once I make it through all forms, I'll be reopening the Google Form to preorder baby green bois. I'll post the link on my blog, IG and FB pages.

For anyone who missed it, for 2021 I moved to a Google Form preorder format for the Baby Green Bois, instead of having them in monthly shop releases. I capped the form at 100 entries (though a few slipped through before I closed it, so I have a total of 111 forms). This enabled me to accept more interested customers while still making it physically possible for me to sew the dolls. I'm going through forms in chronological order and emailing out invoices, usually in batches of ten at a time. Once the invoice is paid, I make the doll within a 10-15 day turnaround.




Baby Green Boi Preorder Update #4 and February Shop Release News